RPA in Logistics: Real World Use Cases

Robotic process automation (RPA) in Logistics and Transportation is comign into focus for more businesses.

Using robotic process automation (RPA) continues to redefine logistics. Companies apply RPA in logistics and supply chain processes to better manage shipments from their fulfillment centers to people and companies worldwide. Using robotic process automation (RPA) in transportation is key to managing by exception and unlocking many efficiency and cost benefits.

Fewer Transport Check Calls Thru Auto-Tracking Functions

Automatically tracking goods is just one of the benefits for companies using RPA in transportation.

Customers can access their accounts to determine where their goods are located. They can also see when a shipment is expected to arrive and if there are any shipping delays. The same applies in reverse. 

That means companies could use robotic process automation to manage inbound check calls. This saves countless resources and supports proactive planning. For example, the customer can make sure to be available to receive any delivery requiring a signature or packages that shouldn’t be left unattended.

RPA in logistics continues to change the game in real time. This technology allows companies to automate the ability to read and respond to customers and vendors. Businesses can then update system information based on IVR or email interactions to facilitate the efficient and accurate shipping of products. 

Auto tracking benefits everyone in the supply chain. It enables greater visibility into shipping and delivery status. Likewise, it doesn’t require a human to provide the information, reducing human error risk.

RPA also facilitates disruption management. As issues occur, the system automatically adjusts the processes to account for any changes. If a hard exception occurs, the system can notify the appropriate party, indicate the issue details, and recommend corrective action. These automated functions maximize the effectiveness of personnel. Businesses can do more with the same number of people.

RPA Routes Freight Orders to the Best Fulfillment Center

One of the most critical ways that RPA supports transportation management is by ensuring freight orders get routed to the best fulfillment center for quick shipments to your customers.

By looking across the entire fulfillment chain and tying multiple systems together, the automated processes ensure maximum supply chain efficiencies that aren’t possible in standalone, on-premise solutions. Ultimately, all processes involving standard, redundant activity, like order routing, benefit the most from RPA in logistics. 

Automated Reporting and Feedback to Drivers and Freight Management Parties

Shippers and their customers aren’t the only parties that need automated reporting information. RPA in transportation also helps drivers and other parties in the freight management chain to focus their efforts. All supply chain partners can better understand what’s taking place to ensure needs can be met. Automation in logistics ensures freight moves through the network as efficiently as possible. 

In turn, faster reporting and embedded analytics help reduce confusion, keep managers focused on end-goals, and improve processes continuously.

Assessing Your Business Health and Making Insight-based Decisions

Insight is key to making the right business decisions. But for companies that lack visibility, automation and accurate data insights, the right decisions can be difficult to formulate. 

With proper RPA in transportation, your company can:

  • Sharpen its ability to provide quality and efficiency to customers.
  • Keep drivers and partners informed.
  • Identify areas where the business is struggling with shipping.
  • Allow the system to adapt to disruptions automatically as they occur.
  • Identify new ways to automate more processes for success.

Automated shipping and transportation options can make or break a business’ success in building customer confidence.

Increased Inventory Management to Create a Competitive Advantage

Staying competitive becomes abundantly more attainable when automation is applied to the right transportation processes. Competitive advantage is cultivated through more informed inventory management and timeliness in the upkeep and updates of that inventory. 

In short, your company can outshine the competition with strong inventory management. That’s best done through the efficient use of RPA in logistics and transportation practices. It can transform reordering and procurement into virtual actions that run seamlessly in the background.

Rely on RPA in Logistics to Manage by Exception With the Right SaaS Platform

Presenting potential challenges before they become problems can greatly improve your customers’ confidence. More customer confidence will equal a boost in the company’s levels of business. 

It’s a winning situation for both parties.

Ready to take your RPA for transportation to the next level?

Request a demo today to see our RPA solutions in action.

See how RPA improves efficiency in your Logistics Management

Steve Blough

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