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New workshop bringing together maintenance, technology and training experts

April 10, 2019
The day-long event brings together a strong team of maintenance, operations, technology and training experts to take on some of the toughest issues facing maintenance providers

Fleet Owner and the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo (ACT) are partnering to offer a new workshop for operations and maintenance professionals. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 23, in conjunction with the upcoming ACT Expo in Long Beach, CA that takes place from April 23- 26.

Called “Workforce Development: Meeting the Vehicle Maintenance Challenge,” the day-long event brings together a strong team of maintenance, operations, technology and training experts to take on some of the toughest issues facing maintenance providers, including:

  • Dealing with the increasing complexity of systems and components on new vehicles
  • Finding and retaining good technicians
  • Keeping technicians trained on the latest technologies and on how to maintain today’s mixed fleets, including alternative power vehicles

“Technicians and training are already a top issue, with or without digital considerations,” noted Ray Grapsy, a dealer management consultant for American Truck Dealers in a recent Fleet Owner article. “The advent of the digital shop will require identifying aptitude and behaviors in existing and upcoming technicians that support the digital environment. Training considerations include programs for comprehensive systems knowledge, in-depth use of computer diagnostics and digital support systems, and perhaps something just short of an electrical engineering degree.”

This is such a tall order that it is hard to know where to begin. The speakers and panelists for the upcoming workshop represent an impressive mix of expertise and real-world experience, however. Attendees can look forward to hearing from these thought leaders as well as many others:

To learn more about this event, including how to register to attend, go to: https://www.actexpo.com/workforcedevelopment

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