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Changes at Walmart helps bring in more truckers

Jan. 3, 2019
Walmart has shortened the application time to 31 days from 73 days, and changed the format of its hiring events.

Like nearly every private and for-hire trucking fleet, Walmart Inc. is struggling to recruit enough drivers.

During 2018, the company, which runs 6,500 trucks, took to the national airwaves for the first time in order to attract more drivers. It has been offering $1,500 referral bonuses and using social media to reach the younger generation. 

A recently published article provided additional insight to the steps Walmart is taking to find drivers, who must have at least 30 months of safe driving experience.

For example, Walmart has shortened the application time to 31 days from 73 days, and changed the format of its hiring events.

Previously, at hiring events, potential drivers who failed any part of Walmart’s extensive initial testing would have to stop the test and wait another year to try again.

Now, Walmart assesses drivers over a three-day period, offering drivers a chance to improve their skills on pre-trip, backing, and driving tests.

The result has been a big increase in the number of drivers passing the tests, translating into 1,400 new hires during 2018, up from 922 in 2017. These drivers can make up to $86,000 during their first year, as well as up to 21 days of vacation.

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