PressurePro Fleet TPMS

PressurePro launches Fleet TPMS tire management app

Nov. 22, 2019
PressurePro's new Fleet TPMS appunlocks a powerful, comprehensive tire management tool for fleets.

Advantage PressurePro, providers of tire performance management solutions (TPMS), recently released the Fleet TPMS app, which it says unlocks a powerful, comprehensive and cost-efficient tire management tool for fleets.

Leveraging PressurePro’s FX technology and building upon its previously released consumer app, Fleet TPMS empowers fleet users to deliver real-time tire performance monitoring for drivers and haulers direct to existing smart devices. Additionally, Fleet TPMS enables a critical link to PressurePro’s Connect tire management platform, unleashing unmatched visibility and control of tire management practices, the company said.

Featuring 24/7 tire monitoring, five unique pressure/temperature alerts, and local notifications for maximized coverage and safety, Fleet TPMS also boasts configurable layouts and vehicle naming and storage, enabling customization and easy toggling between multiple trailers/units. Further, a rolling performance history log enables users to gain immediate access to recent tire performance data.

“While a powerful monitoring tool on its own, Fleet TPMS becomes even stronger when used as a link to provide data flow through our comprehensive software platform Connect,” said Edward Lutsko, PressurePro’s director of technology. “When combined, customers unlock advanced monitoring tools to gain detailed and actionable tire performance insights across their entire fleet, giving them unmatched control of their tire management practices.”

When paired with PressurePro Connect, users unlock email alerting capabilities, exportable tire performance history, automated tire performance trend analysis, and a dashboard that features prioritized data and actionable items, PressurePro said.

“As we have for the last 28 years, PressurePro continues to push the innovation of our market to provide maximized safety and savings for every road our customers travel,” said Jason Zaroor, PressurePro’s president and CEO. “With the release of Fleet TPMS, and especially when paired with our Connect platform, we’re now able to provide a cost-effective solution that provides complete visibility of every tire in your fleet—in-cab to drivers, in the field to managers, or to your office for controllers.”

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