Peer inside this owner-operator's in-cab kitchen, equipped for versatility

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Updated Jul 2, 2021

"The freedom to eat what I want, when I want, and how I want to make it."

--Decker Truck Line-leased owner-operator Thomas Remington

This quote is part of the rationale Iowa-based owner-operator Thomas Remington gives when it comes to outfitting his 2020 Volvo VNL740 (auto transmission, mid-roof, spec'd for Decker's flatbed operation) for versatility in cooking on the road.

In this edition of Overdrive Radio, the podcast gives you a wide window on Remington's leased business as well as tips on inverter power for electric cooking appliances, propane-powered tools for cooking on the deck, and oh so much more.

spice cabinet inside truck above driver and passenger's seatFor instance, above the driver and passenger's seat is what amounts to a full-service spice cabinet. Fear not, though -- Remington's quick to acknowledge his own over-the-top stocking inclinations don't always fit the practicality considerations/needs for most over-the-road drivers. Great meals are certainly possible on the road with very much less. As runs one of his cooking mantras -- "less is more," often enough.

Take a listen: 

Also in this edition:

On a bittersweet day for Overdrive staff as longtime editor Max Heine officially retires as of tomorrow, the first of July, a little message from me to my old friend and colleague, who's been a huge influence in everything I’ve done here, and will no doubt continue to be, as we all soldier on.

I hope that you, owner-ops, will join me in raising a salute to a journalist with guts, with integrity, and a real sense of care when it comes to telling the story straight, whatever it is. 

We'll do our best, Max, to keep it pro out here. 

back of semi truck with hang loose stickerKeep cool, Max. See you soon enough.Bob Conrad photo | Jake Bast's trailer

As mentioned in the podcast: 

custom cradle built to contain dunnage and coil racksA view on the custom cradle below the headache rack/storage box built to contain dunnage and coil racks. Decker, Remington said, appeared unique in its approach to this in his experience.

The video from two weeks back that detailed Remington's one-pot chili mac cooked on the day the conversation in the podcast occurred in Nashville, Tennessee, at the Love's on Trinity Lane: