Canada’s full implementation of an Electronic Logging Device regulation for all Canadian motor carriers is slotted for June 12, 2021. While that is over a year away, there is a 2-year phase in period for ELD use, just like we saw in the United States. So, it’s important to begin the knowledge, communication, and preparation stages early.

What is the Canadian ELD regulation?

And ELD is defined as a certified device or technology that automatically logs a driver’s record of duty status. The new rule will apply to all Canadian motor carriers and their drivers, who are presently required to maintain paper logbooks.

The rule is almost the same as the ELD Regulation in the United States, but there is one key difference. Unlike the US which allows for self-certified ELDs, the Canadian regulation requires third-party certification of devices. Transport Canada is hoping to have an accredited certification group ready to certify any ELD manufacturers by summer 2020.  In addition, Canadian drivers will not have to transfer their logs electronically to any government system. They will be required to email a specially created transfer file to officers, and the officers will then convert the file for evaluation. There will be more details on this part of the regulation closer to compliance date. A third difference is that there is no mileage limit to for drivers using vehicles for personal conveyance, while in Canada this distance will be capped at 75 km.

The implementation of this ELD regulation will not change the current Canadian Hours of Service Regulations.

Are there any exceptions to the rule?

Some Canadian drivers will be exempt. Commercial vehicles will qualify for exemption if they:

  • Operate under a specific permit
  • Have a statutory exemption
  • Are subject to a rental agreement with terms less than 30 days
  • Operate a vehicle with a manufacture date older than 2000

What implications does it have for Cross-Border Carriers?

Currently, any Canadian carrier that crosses the border are required by United States law to have an ELD installed in their commercial motor vehicle. And as of June 21, 2021, any US carrier that crosses the border will need to comply with Canada’s requirements.

So, this means that US Carriers will have to make sure that the ELDs they have installed in their vehicles are certified by the third-party certification group mentioned above. And, drivers will also have to keep in mind the 75km personal conveyance limit while in Canada.

For now, keep checking back to the UWT blog – as soon as news breaks on the third-party accredited certification group for ELD devices, we’ll share it!

For more resources on Canadian ELDs, check out these useful sites:

Canadian ELDs: What to Know & What It Means for Cross-Border Carriers was last modified: by