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ATRI seeks input on Midwest truck parking management system

June 7, 2022
The research institute is surveying users of a Midwest coalition's technology solution for parking management. The data is being collected amid a longtime nationwide parking shortage.

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) has launched an online survey seeking truck drivers’ feedback on the real-time parking information system that was installed in eight Midwest states in 2019. The survey is applicable to all drivers who operate in the Midwest.

The 27-question survey, whose information will be used by the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO), asks for the opinions and knowledge of drivers who have used the coalition’s Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS).

    See also: ATA, OOIDA join forces to advocate for more truck parking

The survey says ATRI has identified truck parking as the No. 1 national issue among truck drivers. It was also fifth on ATRI’s 2021 list of top industry concerns. According to American Trucking Associations (ATA), there are more than 11 drivers for every one parking space. Studies show that on average drivers spend nearly an hour of driving time every day trying to find parking, and 58% of drivers say they have parked in unauthorized places at least three times a week, such as roadside shoulders.

See also: Industry still behind in race for enough truck parking spaces

The Jason’s Law 2019 Truck Parking Survey and Assessment from the FHWA states that 98% of drivers report trouble finding safe parking. The problem is likely to worsen with 79% of truck stop owners and operators saying they don’t plan on adding more parking in the near future.

The Midwest can be particularly susceptible to parking shortages. The 2019 Jason’s Law Assessment noted that, while parking shortages were already rampant in Chicago according to its 2014 data, the problem has intensified in states surrounding the city’s metro area. Additionally, four states in MAASTO’s region have seen a decrease in public parking spaces since 2014: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.

See also: Trucker Path names top 20 most available U.S. parking locations

The survey is available here.

Survey responses will help the 10 state DOTs who make up the MAASTO coalition improve the TPIMS. 

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