Top 10 Brands Millennials, Gen Z Trust

July 12, 2018
Younger consumers are interested in supporting brands that are ethical, caring and strive to do the right thing.

What makes a brand trustworthy to Millennials and Gen Z? 

A study by Wharton Business School found that this group is mainly interested in supporting brands that are ethical, caring and strive to do the right thing. The brands that base their corporate missions on these kind and charitable qualities are much more able to earn the trust of this important young demographic.

Ybrands surveyed 80,000 young consumers (ages 13-36) annually about their perceptions of 230+ brands across five verticals: fashion/apparel, CPG food/beverage, health and beauty, QSR/casual dining and media/tech/ entertainment. And here are the top 10 brands of these two groups combined.

About the Author

Adrienne Selko | Senior Editor

 As Senior Editor for MH&L  Adrienne covers workforce, leadership and technology. 

She also manages IndustryWeek’s Expansion Management, exploring how successful manufacturers leverage location to gain competitive advantage. Her coverage includes the strategies behind why companies located their headquarters, research institutes, factories, warehouse and distribution centers and other facilities where they did, and how they benefit from the decision.

In the past, Adrienne has managed IndustryWeek’s award-winning website, overseeing eNewsletters, webinars, and contributed content. 

Adrienne received a bachelor’s of business administration from the University of Michigan.