
How ClearMetal Customers Stay a Day Ahead of the Competition

Every shipper in the world receives alerts that their shipment arrived at port 1.5 days after it actually happened. ClearMetal customers get alerted 31 hours earlier. Learn how ClearMetal is giving their customers a competitive advantage nobody else can.

Your Supply Chain Probably Has a Data Problem - Start There

Common problems like data access and quality are preventing you from taking the first step towards transformation. Modern visibility providers are putting band-aids on bad data, giving you the ability to make misinformed decisions. Solve the data first.

The 4 Stages of Supply Chain Analytics

How do you move from “what happened” to “what would happen if”? Most supply chains struggle with the first, and the latter is wishful thinking. What stage are you in? Find out where your supply chain is on the maturity curve.

Removing the 3 Barriers to Building a Predictive Supply Chain

Machine Learning and AI are not magic bullets to solve all supply chain problems. Despite many software companies slapping AI on everything the reality is that there are a lot of hurdles to overcome before AI can be effective. Learn how to leap them.

End to End Supply Chain Visibility - Solving The Data Problem

People think end-to-end visibility is simply aggregating data from multiple sources, storing it in one place, and serving it up. But once you have that data, how do you use it? This "Data Problem" is the biggest issue in supply chain today; it's also your biggest opportunity.

Building AI to Unlearn Bias in Recruiting

Research shows that the hiring process is biased and unfair. While we have made progress to solve this, it’s potentially at risk due to advancements in AI technology. This eBook covers these issues & shows you how AI can ensure workplace diversity.

Buyer's Guide for Supply Chain Network Design Software

Network design as a discipline is complex and too many businesses are still relying on spreadsheets to design and optimize their supply chain. As a result, most organizations struggle to answer network design questions or test hypotheses in weeks, when results are demanded in hours. This Buyer’s Guide helps you find easy-to-use technology to become more proactive and less reactive when it comes to network design and optimization.

Artificial Intelligence and the Transportation Industry

Artificial intelligence has quickly become a feature of everyday life: Using face ID to unlock a phone, communicating with online chatbots, and letting “smart” appliances help manage our homes are just a few of the ways that we interact with AI regularly. Forward-looking businesses are also using AI to transform their operations and gain a competitive edge.

Mastering Order Management: Backorders & Out-of-Stock Inventory

The unfortunate truth is that you will always have low stock and backorder issues with your supply chain. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared to handle them. This brief video explores some of the primary drivers of inventory issues – and how modern technology and best practices can mitigate these issues and ensure a superb customer experience.

How to Conduct Workplace Incident Investigations to Create Safer Workplaces

This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of global workplace incident trends, focusing on the top three biases leading to such incidents. It also highlights the significance of CSA Z1005 as a risk management standard and outlines the ROI of thorough incident investigations, covering emergency response to post-incident interviews. Additionally, it introduces an Investigation Evidence Gathering Matrix.

ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach


Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

Exploring the Advantages and Hurdles of Direct Store Deliveries


Direct Store Delivery, or DSD, is a common practice among global suppliers and retailers – like PepsiCo, Frito Lay, CVS, and Dollar General – and its popularity is growing, with the global DSD market expected to reach $1.19 trillion by 2027. Download this eBook for exclusive insights into direct store deliveries, challenges, benefits, and future trends.

Your Supply Chain Challenges, Solved!: 5 Guides


Download these 5 comprehensive guides designed to solve the toughest challenges facing supply chains today. After helping 1,200+ of the world’s most recognized brands to enhance and optimize their supply chains, FourKites has crafted step-by-step guides to help you solve your business’s most pressing challenges. The guides include: reducing transportation costs, improving customer satisfaction, optimizing inventory management, increasing workforce efficiency, and achieving sustainability and ESG

4 Expert Strategies to Negotiate Your Carrier Contract Like a Pro


Don’t let fear keep you from getting the best deals with your parcel carrier! Get cheaper rates, reduced expenses, and improved margins during your next negotiation by mastering these 4 strategies.

15 Tips to Select an Effective Fleet Management Solution

In today's fast-paced business world, effective fleet management is vital for optimizing operations, increasing productivity, and ensuring the safety and security of your vehicles and assets. In this eBook, discover 15 tips for choosing the right fleet management solution to suit your operational needs.

ESG Reporting: It Is Inevitable, But It Doesn’t Mean That It Must Be Complicated

In these challenging times, climate change must inevitably be a top-of-mind priority. We need to act now by making the right decisions. 2022 was the year of corporate commitments to sustainability, and 2023 is the year where promises become proposals, mission statements become metrics, and aims become actions. New regulations have been set regarding the corporates, and they must comply.

Driving Effective Collaboration With Your Supply Chain Partners

Supply chain ecosystems today are still operating without the capabilities to effectively orchestrate and collaborate with their external trading partners – and in doing so, are exposing their fragility and inefficiency. In order to build an agile and responsive supply chain network that can withstand the conditions of today’s marketplace, supply chains need digitally enabled, intelligence-driven solutions for effective multi-enterprise collaboration.

Start Considering Risk in Your Supply Chain Design with these 4 Steps

If you’re not considering risk in supply chain design, you’re gambling with your company’s future. According to PwC, more than 60% of companies said that their performance indicators had dropped by 3% or more because of supply chain disruptions. Yet 60% of companies pay only marginal attention to risk reduction processes. By incorporating risk analysis into the supply chain design process, you can start making smarter supply chain decisions that address both financial and resiliency business obj