Shell Plans Expansion of California Hydrogen Refueling Network


The California Energy Commission (CEC) has posted a notice of proposed award outlining subsidies to support hydrogen refueling infrastructure in California. Equilon Enterprises LLC (Shell Hydrogen) participated as an applicant in the related grant funding opportunity and was awarded $40.8 million, subject to formal approval at a future CEC business meeting. 

If successful, Shell Hydrogen will install hydrogen refueling equipment at 48 existing Shell retail stations, upgrade two current Shell Hydrogen stations and add light-duty fueling dispensers and positions at one existing Shell Hydrogen heavy-duty truck station.

Toyota and Honda have agreed to expand fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) sales in California in support of these Shell Hydrogen stations.

The intended new stations join nine Shell hydrogen locations in the state, seven of which originated through a previous CEC award in 2017. The expanded network expedites and increases the number of hydrogen refueling stations in support of growing the market for FCEVs, significantly reducing emissions from the transport sector and providing customers with convenient and reliable access to cost-competitive fuel.

Photo: Shell’s Hydrogen Fuel web page

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Ethan Rabin Garber
Ethan Rabin Garber
3 years ago

Why can Shell build H2 fueling at existing gas stations and Nikola “requires” 15 Acre fueling parks?