Whether you’re a PCO who sometimes wears a sales hat, a dedicated salesperson, or a technician aiming to get customers on board when providing service, it’s important that, as a pest control company, you equip yourself for success by adopting and executing some key selling methods. There are many approaches to consider, and we’ve found that combining “tried and true” methods with “new” strategies is the most effective tactic for increasing sales for a pest control business.

Here are six sales approaches to exercise harmony while conducting pest control sales in your pest control company:

1. Engage in Consultative Selling

This is really a mindset to adopt. Consultative selling is all about shedding canned pitches and automatic responses in favor of a set of techniques exercised while conversing with potential customers and potential buyers.

The keyword is conversing, which implies a back-and-forth. That’s the goal.

You’ll want to truly listen to the customer and then quickly formulate relevant, insightful questions based on real-time feedback.

You are getting to the heart of their needs through back-and-forth conversation. With a good consultative sales approach, you may even be able to present a clear-cut solution at the end of the first meeting. Just remember to take in as much information as you can, learn, and show genuine interest.

Throughout the conversation, you’ll want to offer advice and useful tips that you can share to gain more credibility and show value upfront. Tools like PestPac’s Mobile Sketch and Forms can allow you to better illustrate your recommendations and provide professional proposals on the spot, helping to drive your ideas home by adding authority.

2. Embrace Your Brand

You most likely work for a family-owned and operated pest control business, or perhaps a branch that is part of a corporation. Either way, your company (or the parent company) has a mission, a brand promise, a personality, and a reputation. As a salesperson, you need to become very familiar with the essence of your brand and try to exude it when speaking to potential customers—without coming across as forced or scripted.

The key to remember is that most people have already developed an initial opinion and expectation of your company based on marketing materials, online reviews, advertisements, or other exposure to your brand. As the salesperson and, most likely, a member of the front office staff, you’ll want to deliver on those upfront expectations and help complete their expected experience.

For example, XYZ Pest Control does a lot of marketing and always positions itself as extremely friendly and knowledgeable, with a customer-first mentality. Sally Homeowner, a potential buyer, is familiar with XYZ’s marketing; she’s seen all the ads and read reviews. Now that she is experiencing bed bugs, Sally decides to call XYZ Pest Control with some high expectations.

It is your job as the salesperson working with the lead to deliver on and meet her expectations. If Sally isn’t met with the friendly, knowledgeable face she’s come to expect, she’s likely to second-guess her choice and start thinking about taking her business elsewhere.

3. Evaluate Your Company’s Pricing Structure

One key aspect of increasing pest control sales is to take a closer look at your company’s pricing structure. It’s important to ensure that the prices you are charging your potential buyers for your services are competitive in the market while also providing value to your customers.

Start by analyzing your current pricing strategy and comparing it to competitors in your area. Are you offering similar services at a higher price point, or are you undercutting your competitors? Finding the right balance between pricing competitively and providing value is crucial for driving sales.

Consider implementing a tiered pricing structure that offers different service packages at varying price points. This allows customers to choose the level of service that best fits their needs and budget, increasing the likelihood of closing a sale.

Additionally, offering discounts or promotions can be an effective way to attract new customers and encourage repeat business for your pest control business. Consider running specials during slower seasons or offering referral discounts to incentivize current customers to spread the word about your services.

4. Resist Pushing Too Hard

Sometimes you need to recognize when it doesn’t seem like it will be a good fit. Not every possible deal is the right deal, even if you think you can still make the sale. You have to trust your intuition when it tells you a deal will most likely result in an unhappy client or could lead to a poor customer experience affecting your pest control business. The added friction from managing unhappy clients will take away from time that could be spent on more positive sales and prevent the customer from coming back to you for future services.

Even worse, they might be prompted to leave a negative review, which could cause you to miss out on new business in the future. When in doubt, it’s always best to only seal the deal if you’re sure you can address the customer’s concerns and provide them with an exceptional service experience.

5. Build strong relationships with clients

One of the key strategies to build strong relationships with clients is maintaining open communication. This involves being responsive and accessible to clients, whether through phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings. By promptly addressing their inquiries, concerns, and needs, you show your dedication and commitment to their satisfaction.

As a pest control business, providing exceptional customer service is another technique to strengthen client relationships. Going above and beyond to meet their expectations and resolving any issues they may encounter can leave a lasting positive impression. This includes promptly addressing complaints, offering personalized solutions, and ensuring a smooth and pleasant customer experience.

Personalizing interactions is also crucial to building strong relationships with clients. Taking the time to understand their individual needs, preferences, and goals can help you tailor your products or services to better meet their requirements. By demonstrating that you genuinely care about their success, you establish a deeper connection and build trust.

Seeking feedback is yet another effective strategy. Actively asking for input and suggestions shows that you value your clients’ opinions and are dedicated to continuous improvement. By incorporating their feedback into your business practices, you demonstrate your commitment to meeting their evolving needs.

6. Tap Into Your Software

As a pest control business owner or specialist, using pest control software is crucial in order to increase sales and improve efficiency in your pest control business. By utilizing this type of software, you can streamline your operations, automate tasks, and ultimately maximize the revenue of your pest control services.

One important aspect of using pest control software like PestPac is familiarizing yourself with the options available and using the tools to your advantage. For example, as a pest control operator, you can take advantage of features such as scheduling, routing, custom forms, reporting, and marketing that can greatly enhance your business operations.

Benefits of PestPac

1. Increased efficiency: Streamlines various aspects of pest control operations, such as scheduling, billing, and customer communication. This can help businesses save time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and allowing technicians to focus on providing quality service to customers.

2. Improved customer service: Businesses can easily access customer information, history, and preferences, allowing them to provide personalized service and build stronger relationships with their clients. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention rates.

3. Enhanced accuracy: Keeps track of all treatments performed, products used, and scheduling information, reducing the risk of errors or oversights. This ensures that technicians are following proper protocols and providing effective pest control solutions.

4. Reporting and Analytics: Offers valuable reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing businesses to track key performance metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. By analyzing this data, companies can optimize their operations, improve efficiency, and ultimately increase their bottom line.

Closing Thoughts

Increasing pest control sales in your pest control business requires a combination of strong client relationships, exceptional customer service, personalization, seeking feedback, and utilizing the right tools, like PestPac. By implementing these strategies, you can not only drive sales but also enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Partnering with PestPac can revolutionize the way your pest control business operates. With its advanced features and capabilities, this software can help you streamline your operations, enhance customer service, improve accuracy, and make informed decisions based on data. By leveraging the power of this software, you can take your business to the next level and achieve greater success in the competitive pest control industry. Schedule a free demo today!

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Manage a variety of business tasks while also growing your business. WorkWave’s pest control software is here to help you manage your business all in one place.

Brett is a Content Specialist at WorkWave with over a decade of professional writing experience. When he's not glued to his keyboard, he enjoys playing music, reading, playing video games, and just about anything that takes him outdoors.