Human Resources Logistics, what are those?

The most critical resource for each company is its human resources; their human capital can’t be managed by heart exclusively. There are best practices and best approaches to handling logistics that can be defined, addressed, and executed correctly to ensure a solid HR Logistic strategy. The lack of a clear logistic path shows itself more often than not in Startups and when those companies inevitably face hard times. The lack of precise logistics generates an image of unprofessionalism from the company.

Being unprofessional is one of the worst feedback any company can receive. Since we’re used to working with Pros, Professionals specialized in one particular area are in there (in theory) would have the required skill set, knowledge, and know-how to succeed in that role, mainly to keep the bar of professionalism and effectiveness in the company.

This is especially Key in the HR field since HR is responsible for adequately implementing all the human processes within a company. Despite having, in some instances, other departments intervening in the process, they’re here to aid more than own such process. 

HR Logistics can measure an unprofessional HR department’s impact on significant turnover, absenteeism, and lack of commitment. Several reasons, including a lack of efficient Logistics within the process, can cause this perception of being unprofessional. FE. If you’re supposed to sign your physical contract on your first day joining the company. And once you’ve arrived, not only was your agreement not printed, but no one knew you were starting with the company that day. You’ll be disappointed; if not, just avoid beginning with the new company.

There are a few examples of how lousy HR logistics can affect your overall experience in the company, 

  • Your contract is not ready on your first day (not printed, signed, written down in the legal docs, etc.)
  • You don’t have your digital access ready on your first day (IE, Slack, Gmail, Zoom, Etc.)
  • You don’t have your working accessories (Uniforms, access key to enter the premises, safety equipment) ready for you to use
  • No one knows you’re joining the company. Therefore there are no co-workers & leads from your specific department to welcome you to the company and into your role.
  • The role you’re coming on to fill is not adequately documented (IE: No one knows what a [Insert Fancy New Non-Corporate Name like Intangible Assessst Architech] Is supposed to do. Therefore, no one can help you set the right expectations).
  • You don’t know who to ask to explain company rules, processes, and policies. You have little to no idea what do’s and don’ts of this workspace.

This is detrimental to companies because persons who thrive in chaos are rare. They’re few and very far between. So the average joe you’ll be hiring for accounting would need as many clear paths and ideas as possible to hit the ground running. And start adding value to the company. IE proving to hire them wasn’t a mistake.

And Human Resources Logistics, Back-Office or just Onboarding/Process is a crucial element to successful hiring, reducing turnover, and must be a key corporate strategy pillar.

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