Innovations – online logistics

In this Post I would like to tell you that when reading various information and documents I was able to find this that I found super interesting for the innovation of online logistics.

As we well know, logistics is one of the key elements behind the success of any eCommerce, and it is essential to be up-to-date as well as to know the projects that will revolutionize logistics in a country and in the world. Today for any company it is of utmost importance to improve its services and products, this requires more technology and dramatic changes every day to keep up with globalization and thus be able to quickly and efficiently meet the needs of customers who each day they are more demanding.

Electronic commerce or e-commerce basically consists of the development of market actions, sales, customer service, portfolio management, logistics management and, in general, all commercial events and information exchange carried out through the internet. It can also be defined as the financial exchange that is carried out, through the network, between subjects that may be at a great physical distance, and that generally takes place through electronic means of payment.

The advantages that are managed in virtual businesses are the globalized market expansion that is achieved, and the speed with which businesses are managed. Although customer relationships are interpersonal and can cause business complications, the use of new technologies and their innovation have created changes that have improved communication with the customer and the company.

Go ChainGo

ChainGo aims to revolutionize logistics through blockchain technology, especially focused on the sea transport of goods. Currently inefficient industry systems, based primarily on the use of paper documentation, involve bureaucratic processes that result in delays and penalties.

Through the digitization and real-time monitoring of document processes using the great security of the blockchain ecosystem, ChainGo customers will be able to digitally transmit, certify and sign documents, as well as carry out a complete monitoring of cargo, in addition to that the creation of your API your solution is ready to be integrated into the current systems of the companies, with an easy and efficient adoption.


Manzaning is a Marketplace that allows users to make weekly purchases of food and fresh produce in local stores and municipal markets with home delivery. It is positioned as a platform that allows the digitization of small businesses and municipal markets, reconnecting them with a young and digital user, which will allow them to regain competitiveness against large online players.

 Unmanned life

The latest innovation in online logistics in Spain comes from the Artificial Intelligence-based Unmanned Life software platform that offers mission-based automation in a precise, controlled and flawless manner. Its software allows to direct, coordinate and manage fleets of different types of robots simultaneously to achieve industrial applications.


Jamboard – A digital whiteboard designed to spark team creativity in real time, anywhere. With your creative drawing tools or your drag system from Google Drive or your own mobile, you can make work easier, achieve greater collaboration and save time and work.

App Engine, Compute Engine and Chat from Hangouts: with these three Google Cloud Platform solutions, applications can be developed to quickly provide assistance to a user with a damaged or defective product, or simply to keep track of products sold, thus How to create a way to contact the customer through a Google form.

Geomarketing, geolocation and secure tracking with Maps: By using the intelligence of google Maps in Geomarketing you can plan the geographical expansion of your company, by analyzing the number of early establishments or their product, as well as carrying out an analysis of consumption data and real-time sales, which can be automatically stored in G Suite spreadsheets.

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