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  • Writer's pictureGeoff Wolfe

A Smarter Customer Journey

Expectations for software that touts itself as "artificial intelligence" or "AI" are deservedly high. After all, it has gone from a pop culture theme (albeit often dystopian) to table stakes for enterprise software companies. Unlike at some software companies where AI is a bolt-on feature or frankly just a marketing spin, at Parade, AI is the foundation of our technology and a key means by which our solution brings value to our customers.

I’m Geoff Wolfe and I started with Parade a few weeks ago to lead the Customer Success group. Like a new customer, I've been kicking the tires and lifting the hood of Parade to see if the AI is the real deal. Having worked with machine learning technologies for over a decade, I can definitely say it is no joke. Using AI technology to sort through millions of data points to precisely predict and match trucking capacity with freight demand is such a clear and valuable application, especially during these times of tightening capacity and other volatility throughout the supply chain. Consequently, our customers expect Parade’s value to be quantifiable and immediate. Now that I have been convinced of Parade’s technology and met with customers who successfully use Parade to manage their capacity, I set out to formalize how we guide and ensure our existing and new customers see repeatable and measurable success.

Introducing the Parade Customer Journey

Parade knew it was vital to learn from early customer partnerships what implementation methods work best and how to measure the ongoing performance of the solution. Parade is extremely fortunate to have developed our Customer Success best practices from experiences with some of the most innovative freight brokerages in the world. These learnings are now captured in a methodology that is already being used with our customers. In the same way our AI technology is always learning new ways to help our broker customers, our Customer Success team will be constantly analyzing the data and our process to ensure we continue to find new ways to make our customers successful.

I am excited by the early results of this new methodology and see that it will benefit not just our current and future customers, but also set a new standard for the freight brokerage industry as a whole.

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