The Truth About Air Cargo

In today’s fast-paced world, everyone wants their shipments delivered as soon as possible. One of the most realistic ways to achieve this quick transit time is through the use of air freight services.  

Air cargo has come a long way from the first air shipment between Dayton and Columbus, Ohio in 1910. The flight delivered 200lbs of silk to a shop for their grand opening. Since then, air cargo has transformed the shipping industry and played an important role in the global economy.



Depending on what you’re moving, there are a few different options for air freight. 

Air parcel: It’s common for commercial passenger planes to move parcels and other small shipments. In addition to all of the people on board, an average passenger plane can accommodate up to two semi-trailers’ worth of freight.

Air charter: This is the most expensive way to fly, and for good reason. Chartering an aircraft means the entire plane is dedicated to you and your shipment, with no stops along the way. Some industries that commonly use air charter include mining, pharmaceutical, and movie production.

Cargo planes: A cargo aircraft is specially constructed to maximize space for transporting freight. Our Radius Sales Team had the incredible opportunity to visit one of our air cargo partners and take a tour of their cargo plane. 



Imagine this scenario: your urgent shipment must get to the other side of the world by tomorrow. Truck? No. Train? No. Boat? No. If you ever find yourself in that situation, you’ll quickly realize you only have one option. Speedy delivery is the main reason most shippers choose to fly their freight. Nothing compares to air travel when time is a factor.

Aircraft efficiency is also on the rise with some alternative solutions to the traditional woes of fuel costs, consumption and emissions. These green solutions include new plane designs using composite lightweight materials, the use of electric wheels during taxi modes, and using sustainable alternative jet fuels.

In addition to these technological solutions, operational changes are also contributing to air cargo efficiency. For example, ensuring that the planes take the most direct flights can reduce fuel costs and CO2 emissions. 



Air freight can also be suitable for non-urgent transportation and doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. It can be part of a custom service solution, including integrated logistics services like ground and ocean freight. For all your air freight needs, you can trust the experts at Radius to seamlessly manage your shipments.

Our team is well-versed in air freight requirements across Canada and internationally, and we can rise to any challenge you present. Contact us today!