I got the idea to share this blog when I received and unpacked a delivery at the weekend. Online shopping is part of our daily lives, especially since the pandemic, people are using online e-commerce platforms to purchase more than before.

How to make the most of the packaging space in a delivery box?

When receiving an online delivery, we will notice that sometimes there is a lot of space left in the delivery box, which is a waste of space. So, are there any advanced solutions to this problem? A number of e-commerce platforms have made improvements to their packaging processes, using automated packaging robots to achieve effectiveness and efficiency, such as Amazon and JingDong in China. They have both chosen the CMC CartonWrap robot system, supplied by CMC Srl in Italy.

The CMC CartonWrap is an automated carton packing system for e-commerce packaging needs. The robot enables goods in an order to be 3D scanned as they travel along a conveyor belt. These items are then placed in suitably sized customised boxes created by the robot. CMC Cartonwrap variable carton packaging solution breaks away from conventional packaging and enables on-demand personalized packaging. Furthermore, CMC claims it can achieve speeds of up to 900 orders per hour.

The operation of CMC CartonWrap robot system

The advantages of this new packaging process are obvious, which not only saves labour but also reduces the waste of packaging material. This hits exactly the right spot in a labour-intensive industry like logistics, reducing labour dependency and labour costs.

CMC CartonWrap is now being used by companies in China, the United States and Sweden, among many other countries. The system offers significant labor savings, while reducing storage and transportation costs. The application of automation equipment in the field of logistics is becoming more and more advanced and user-friendly. Perhaps in the near future, most of the express deliveries we receive will be packaged by such robots.


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