IA in logistics

New technologies have developed a lot in the last decades and more specifically, artificial intelligence is playing an important role in our lives. But, what role does artificial intelligence play in logistics?

Firstly, it can be very useful for route optimisation and scheduling, as it has a large amount of data that can be used to plan the most efficient and accurate shipping route. It can also help drivers avoid traffic problems and delays, reducing delivery times and shipping costs.

Secondly, It can also be used to forecast demand, as artificial intelligence is able to analyse sales history and predict demand, which helps distributors to plan production and distribution. For example, algorithms can analyse sales data and demand trends to predict the amount of products to stock and replenish, helping to avoid overproduction and excess inventory.

Moreover, nowadays most of the factories are automated, artificial intelligence could also be applied at this point. for example, it is possible to track shipments and manage inventories. it can also avoid many human errors.

It can also be very useful for storage optimisation, for example with the location of products. By analysing sales data and demand trends, AI can determine how much space is needed for each type of product and how the warehouse should be organised to maximise the use of available space.

Finally, artificial intelligence can also help detect patterns and anamolies in data to improve supply chain security.

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