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HomeBusiness21st Century ChallengesUnrest in the Red Sea: Houthi Strikes and International Political Shifts

Unrest in the Red Sea: Houthi Strikes and International Political Shifts

Amidst escalating tensions in the Red Sea, another Houthi missile strike has targeted a bulk vessel. The rebels boasted of the attack’s precision, claiming to have hit the vessel, Cyclades. According to U.S. Central Command, three missiles and three UAVs were launched at the ship. U.K. Maritime & Trade Operations relayed a statement from a Company Security Officer confirming damage to the vessel but assuring the safety of its crew, who are proceeding to their next port of call.

Economic Impact

The ongoing Houthi assaults in the Red Sea have triggered a significant global crisis, leading to a surge in shipping costs and prompting approximately 90 percent of container vessels to seek alternative routes around Africa rather than risk passage through the Suez Canal.

Egypt’s planning minister, Hala El-Saeed, announced that revenue from the Suez Canal has plummeted by 50% amidst escalating tensions in the Red Sea. El-Saeed attributed this decline to disruptions in shipping caused by the heightened tensions in the region. She made these remarks during a speech at the World Economic Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Given its status as the world’s largest exporter and its heavy reliance on oil imports, China is understandably concerned about the potential disruption of maritime traffic in the Red Sea. A substantial portion of China’s trade with the E.U. relies on the Suez Canal, and China has made strategic investments in ports along the Red Sea.

China’s Strategic Calculations

While China has pledged to help de-escalate tensions and is talking to all parties involved in the Red Sea crisis, the crisis also presents certain advantages for China. The resulting instability has elevated China’s profile as a leader in the Middle East, attracting attention from key players such as the U.S. Additionally, the crisis has distracted the U.S. from the Indo-Pacific region.

Recent discussions between U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi included dialogue on the Red Sea attacks. China is willing to push Iran to pressure the Houthis, but will not comment publicly.

China’s approach to the crisis reflects broader strategic considerations in the Middle East. By maintaining a degree of distance from Western-led initiatives and cultivating closer ties with regional actors like Iran, China seeks to position itself as a leader of the Global South. This strategy aims to counterbalance perceived Western dominance and advance China’s own interests in the region.

In the context of broader geopolitical trends, China views the crisis in the Red Sea as indicative of a decline in the U.S.-led global order. By exploiting distractions for the U.S., China aims to bolster its own position, particularly in the South China Sea. However, China’s reluctance to take direct military action in the Red Sea may stem from a combination of strategic calculations and uncertainties about its ability to influence key actors such as Iran.

Ultimately, China’s response to the crisis underscores its strategic priorities and ambitions on the global stage. While it may engage diplomatically to address the situation, China’s actions will be guided by its assessment of economic interests and the potential for diplomatic success.

As China continues to assert its presence and influence in the Middle East, the implications for the broader balance of power remain uncertain.


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