Foldable containers

Some days ago I read a news that surprised me pleasantly. A Valencian company with a high component of R&D, Navlandis Logistics Technologies, presented a revolutionary folding container, the Zbox, at the Port of Valencia. This company was born after a conversation between friends concerned about improving the environment. After discussing one of them the mountains of containers that are disabled in ports of merchandise, an engineer, Miguel Navalón, investigated that in the exporting areas there was always a need for containers and in the importing areas containers were piled up without giving them use because for the shipping companies it was expensive to return them empty; therefore an empty container is expensive and polluting.


Thus, the Zbox is an original idea that allows to solve the saturation of space in the transport of goods and save 10,000 million of Euros per year. If you take into account that 25% of containers are empty, taking up a lot of space, it is a great idea to create a collapsible container that lowers the cost of operations, occupies less space (saves 80% of space), reduces CO2 emissions, it is cheaper to produce, more efficient to operate and it folds with the least possible technology. All this by guaranteeing its resistance, sealing and loading functions, just like a normal container.

From what I have been able to read, given the suitability and necessity of this product, important investments are being made, as well as pilot routes that verify the saving. Its commercialization is expected next year, with the sale of 3000 units in 2019.

Without a doubt it is a product that will revolutionize the logistics industry of storage and maritime transport. It offers considerable competitive advantages and due to its characteristics it is convenient to integrate it into the worldwide logistics chain.

Bravo for this Valencian company that, based on a simple idea, can revolutionize the problem of shipping merchandise.

Bravo for this Valencian company that has managed to patent its Zbox container, not only in Spain and the US. but also in China, container producing country.

And above all, bravo for this Valencian company that cares about climate change and pollution.

©Heinrich Hecht-Valencia-072

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