Would you teach your kids about logistics? Writing a children’s book about the Incoterms®

The other day I was thinking on different ideas to write about and one of the subjects that came to me was Incoterms®, which are a set of 11 individual rules issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the sale of goods in international transactions. Of primary importance is that each Incoterms rule clarifies the tasks, costs, and risks to be borne by buyers and sellers in these transactions (International Trade Organization – ITA).

I thought that this description made by the ITA has quite an interesting set of words, but what if we were to describe or talk about the Incoterms® to people who are not familiar with world trade, international commerce or anything of the sort? What if we were to explain these rules in simple words to maybe teenagers or young children? Which brought me to think on how would I explain this topic to my two year old son? (not that he would ask or even care about it at this point in his young life, but what if I wanted to talk to him about it and introduce him, at a young age to the world of logistics? So here is my humble attempt to do precisely that:

Teddy Bear wants to sell his Toys

Scroll right to see the sequence. It is recommended to select the full screen view for a better experience.

International Trade Administration (ITA). (n.d.). Know Your Incoterms: An Overview of Incoterms® 2020. International Trade Administration | Trade.gov. https://www.trade.gov/know-your-incoterms#:~:text=Incoterms%2C%20widely%2Dused%20terms%20of,clearance%2C%20and%20other%20logistical%20activities.

Images created with the assistance of: DALL·E. (n.d.-b). https://labs.openai.com/

2 thoughts on “Would you teach your kids about logistics? Writing a children’s book about the Incoterms®”

  1. This playful and imaginative approach to explaining Incoterms to a young child is both clever and engaging. Amazing Idea German!

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