How to Conduct Business as Usual – Virtually During the Time of COVID-19


MTS Logistics took the most necessary step to meet the challenge of COVID-19, to protect the staff’s health and wellbeing, along with that of our entire community – moving online.

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to take into account when running a business as usual – virtually.

Of course, while working from the comfort of your own home seems great and relaxing in theory, it becomes important to understand the best ways to maximize the efficiency of the arrangement. You become truly independent in all you do and will rely on self-motivation, self-discipline, your own focus and drive. You can get more work done in this way as you adapt to learn a new way of completing daily tasks, set goals for yourself, and find methods that work best for you and your team.

Communication is key – when peeking your head over to talk to your colleague is no longer an option, switching to conference calls, messaging, and even video calls. You’ll become in expert in communicating and expressing what needs to be done without having to physically be there, and this can be difficult when adjusting to new procedure. But like all things, with excellent leadership and motivated employees (which we have an abundance of) this becomes second nature and an excellent team-building opportunity.

While working in a comfortable familiar setting may blur work life with home life, it’s important to “clock out.”

When there’s no separation of going to the office and going home, there’s a tendency to think, just one more email or one more phone call. It’s important to stick to a routine/schedule to stay at your peak performance to avoid burnout. The temptation to engage in household matters since you are at home can also be very strong. Suddenly, you may start feeling obliged to clean the home, do the shopping, the cooking, the home finances and the socializing, all while meeting the full requirements of the job too. It is essential to draw the line between home and work to avoid both areas suffering.

It can be difficult for everyone having to adjust so quickly, so regular check-ins help you stay accountable and help bridge the gap of distance between your team.

While overcoming technical difficulties and household distractions with the right mindset, you can do a great job and enjoy the benefits that go along with it. While enforcing high productivity and time management along with strict procedure and roles, there is no doubt each team member will succeed.

To motivate yourself to persevere in working at home alone without succumbing to the distractions and losing drive and momentum is a tough achievement. However, this can be an easily cultivated skill with the support of your manager and team, and by focusing on your personal and professional growth and goals.

Stay safe and we at MTS Logistics wish you all a great virtual day at work!